What Made the News in 2012…
The 2012 season started out slow, but with the dedication from the coaching staff, Head Coach Padriac Lawrence and Assistants Greg Belich, Cam Fielding and Andrew McBride, a fire was started under the players that produced passion and hard work. For the first time in 6 years we defeated the Coquitlam Adanacs. It was heard throughout the league and the congratulation emails flowed. Our goalie Shaun Couzelis was stellar sometimes saving 76 shots in one game. Sometimes it looked as if we would break through and gain a win but the ball just wouldn’t go in the net and we again missed the post season.
The success of a team is dependent on parent volunteers. A big thank you to everyone that supported us this year from the fans in the stands, our 50/50 parent, scorekeepers, timekeepers and gate people. Kevin DeBryckere, from Semiahmoo, stepped up to be our Team Manager. He was instrumental in keeping the league paperwork flowing. We welcomed our players from Semiahmoo, Delta and New Westminster as without them, we wouldn’t have been able to field a team. Everyone jelled together and the team dynamics were paramount and it showed out on the floor and in the locker room. We had a coaching staff that got out on the floor with our players each and every practice, even suffering the odd injury.
Our team had continued support from the Midget A1 Head Coach, Miles Griffiths. Thanks to Miles for his support of the team and his passion for the game. We look forward to having these players join our organization in the 2013 season. Our team lost a great player early on in the season during a game in Richmond. Cole McColluch suffered a broken hand in the second period but continued to play despite the pain. He always supported his teammates from the stands or on the bench. These are the type of players that the Surrey Intermediate “B” had on the team – dedicated, team spirit, compassion and a love of the game.
We have players graduating from the Intermediate Program. A sad good bye to David Miller, Devin O’Reilly, Shaun Couzelis, Jered DeBryckere and Dustin Pengelly. I would like to thank President Cal Davies and the SLA Executive for their continued support of the Senior Lacrosse Program.
Toni Belich, Governor/General Manager – Surrey Intermediate Lacrosse Club (2012)