
Winter Tots Lacrosse!

Calling All 3 and 4 Year-olds!

Surrey Rebels Tots lacrosse registration is now live!!!!!

Surrey Lacrosse is running its famous Tot Lacrosse program again in 2023, open to all children who were born in 2019 and 2020 (3 and 4 year-olds). Your registration fee includes:

  • 11 x 45 minute weekly sessions between September 21st and December 7th, 2023
  • Free Surrey REBELS TOTS T-shirt
  • Official “Team” Memory Mate Picture package
  • FUN!!! Lots of FUN!!

Sessions will be indoors at Coyote Creek Elementary School (8131 156 St, Surrey, BC V3S 3R4) on Thursday evenings 6:00 – 6:45pm (climate controlled environment).

Participants will need:

  • Hockey helmet with cage
  • Gloves (lacrosse or hockey)
  • Entry Level Lacrosse stick (you may purchase a quality entry level Under Armour Lacrosse stick through the Surrey Lacrosse Association with registration for an additional $50.00 fee, including tax)
  • As there is no contact, all other equipment is optional

Team fees may be extra so they may have a wrap up party at the end of the season.

Tots lacrosse is a fun way to get the younger kids active and holding a lacrosse stick. Coaches will direct these kids to try skills and techniques to help them learn the game of lacrosse but a focus on fun is the first priority. Mostly these sessions are to gain comfort amongst these young future athletes by putting on helmets and running around others playing the best game on earth.