Congratulations to the Surrey Warriors Women’s U15 team for winning the Tier 1 Gold Medal and the Surrey Warriors Women’s U12-1 team for winning the Tier 2 Gold Medal at the 2018 BCLA/Subway U15/U12 Women’s Field Provincial Championships and U8 Jamboree held February 9-12 in Langley.
Congratulations to the Surrey Warriors Youth U15 team for winning the Tier 2 Gold Medal at the 2018 Subway/BCLA U18/U15/U13 Youth Field Lacrosse Provincial Championships held February 9-12 in Burnaby.
Finally, congratulations go out to the host Surrey Warriors Youth U11 team for winning the Red Division Gold Medal at the 2018 BCLA/Subway U11 Youth Field Lacrosse Invitational Tournament held February 3-4.